Milford, NH Town Hall
1 Union Square
Milford, NH
Dance is held on the 3rd floor. Use the entrances on Elm Street or Middle Street. The Middle Street entrance has an elevator.
Role names: the Milford, NH Contra dance is a traditional New England contra dance.
The terms “Ladies” and “Gents” are used as role names and do not dictate the gender of any dancer.
Any dancer may dance either role.
The Milford, NH Contra Dance is a warm and inclusive dance that welcomes all people!
7:00– 9:10 PM
4th Friday of the Month
What to Bring
Carry in Clean, Soft soled shoes
Loose Clothing
Water bottle
Skill Levels
All skills levels (including none) are welcome
Dances are taught as many times as necessary and prompted once the music starts
Dances are done to American Old Timey, Celtic and Quebecois music: reels and jigs, and a waltz at the end of the evening
Please arrive by 6:30. Dance runs from 7:00 – 9:10
What to Bring
Acoustic Instrument
Music stand if possible
Water bottle
Skill Levels
If you are comfortable with your instrument and are learning by ear or read music/chord notation you will find friendly folks who will encourage you.
Music played includes American Old Timey, Celtic and Quebecois music: reels and jigs, and waltzes. Suggested music books – The New England Fiddler’s Repertoire (the newer edition has chords!) The Portland Collection – Volume I and II, The Waltz Books.
Loaner books are available at the dance.
Other Notes
Please put your music cases on the stage on top of the strips of carpet to protect the floor. Thank you!